MIrA 222: Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. Lat. 68

Stable URL: http://mira.ie/222


CountryVatican City
LocationVatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
ShelfmarkPal. Lat. 68
MIrA number222


No. of folios46
Page height (mm)310
Page width (mm)190
ScriptInsular minuscule
ContentsGlossa in Psalmos (39–151)


DatingVIII (701–800)
OriginN England (Lowe); Ireland?
ProvenanceGermany, prob. Lorsch


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Scribe Edilberict, son of Berictfrid (f. 46r). Lowe: "The tur-symbol points to an English scriptorium, as do the vernacular glosses, but script and decoration point to Ireland."

25 Old Irish, 5 Old English glosses. See Psalter of Caimín (Dublin, UCD, Franciscan A 1, late 11th century), where most of the glosses correspond verbatim.


  • Bronner, Dagmar, Verzeichnis altirischer Glossen. Vorläufige Version (Marburg, 2013). https://hal.science/hal-01638388/.
  • Foundations of Irish Culture, online catalogue, http://foundationsirishculture.ie/ (2013).
  • Kenney, James F., The Sources for the Early History of Ireland: an Introduction and Guide. Volume 1: Ecclesiastical (New York, 1929, rev. 1966).
  • Lowe, E. A., Codices Latini Antiquiores, 12 vols (Oxford, 1934–1971), digitised and updated by Mark Stansbury, Earlier Latin Manuscripts.
  • Ó Corráin, Donnchadh, Clavis Litterarum Hibernensium, 3 vols (Turnhout, 2017).
  • Sharpe, Richard, 'Books from Ireland, fifth to ninth centuries', Peritia 21 (2010), 1–55.
  • Stokes, Whitley and John Strachan (eds), Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus: a Collection of Old-Irish Glosses, Scholia, Prose, and Verse, 3 vols (Cambridge, 1901–1910).

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