About MIrA
Data compiled and website developed by Pádraic Moran, Classics, University of Galway (Ireland).
Additions, corrections, suggestions welcome: padraic.moran@universityofgalway.ie.
The list was compiled initially from the following sources (principally CLA and Bischoff in the first instance):
- Bernhard Bischoff, Südostdeutschen Schreibschulen und Bibliotheken in der Karolingerzeit, 2 vols (Wiesbaden, 1940–1980).
- Bernhard Bischoff, Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des neunten Jahrhunderts, 3 vols (Wiesbaden, 1998–2014).
- E. A. Lowe, Codices Latini Antiquiores, 12 vols (Oxford, 1934–1971), digitised and updated at Mark Stansbury, Early Latin Manuscripts.
Alexander, J.J.G., Insular manuscripts, 6th to the 9th century (London, 1978). Bisagni, Jacopo, A Descriptive Handlist of Breton Manuscripts, c. AD 780–1100 (with contributions by Sarah Corrigan). Bischoff, Bernhard, Südostdeutschen Schreibschulen und Bibliotheken in der Karolingerzeit, 2 vols (Wiesbaden, 1940–1980). Bischoff, Bernhard, ‘Irische Schreiber im Karolingerreich’, in René Roques (ed.), Jean Scot Érigène et l’Histoire de la Philosophie (Paris, 1977), 47–58; repr. in Mittelalterliche Studien. Ausgewählte Aufsätze zur Schriftkunde und Literaturgeschichte, 3 vols (Stuttgart 1966–1981), III, pp 39–54. Bischoff, Bernhard, Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des neunten Jahrhunderts, 3 vols (Wiesbaden, 1998–2014). Bronner, Dagmar, Verzeichnis altirischer Glossen. Vorläufige Version (Marburg, 2013). https://hal.science/hal-01638388/. Brown, T. J. and T. W. Mackay, Codex Vaticanus Palatinus Latinus 235. An Early Insular Manuscript of Paulinus of Nola ‘Carmina’, Armarium codicum insignium, 4 (Turnhout, 1988). Chisholm, John Edward, The Pseudo-Augustinian Hypomnesticon Against the Pelagians and Celestians: Volume II. Text edited from the manuscripts (Fribourg, Switz., 1980). Duft, Johannes and Peter Meyer,The Irish Miniatures in the Abbey Library of St Gall (Olten, 1954). Foundations of Irish Culture, online catalogue, http://foundationsirishculture.ie/ (2013). Gamber, Klaus, Codices Liturgici Latini Antiquiores, 2nd ed., Freiburg Schweiz, 1968. Gneuss, Helmut and Michael Lapidge, Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts: A Bibliographical Handlist of Manuscripts and Manuscript Fragments Written or Owned in England up to 1100 (Toronto, 2014). Kenney, James F., The Sources for the Early History of Ireland: an Introduction and Guide. Volume 1: Ecclesiastical (New York, 1929, rev. 1966). Lowe, E. A., Codices Latini Antiquiores, 12 vols (Oxford, 1934–1971), digitised and updated by Mark Stansbury, Earlier Latin Manuscripts. McGurk, Patrick, Gospel Books and Early Latin Manuscripts (London, 1961). McNamara, Martin (ed.), Glossa in Psalmos: the Hiberno-Latin Gloss on the Psalms of Codex Palatinus Latinus 68 (Psalms 39:11–151:7), Studi e Testi, 310 (Rome, 1986). Ó Corráin, Donnchadh, Clavis Litterarum Hibernensium, 3 vols (Turnhout, 2017). Sharpe, Richard, 'Books from Ireland, fifth to ninth centuries', Peritia 21 (2010), 1–55. Story, Joanna, Carolingian Connections: Anglo-Saxon England and Carolingian Francia, c. 750–870 (London, 2003). Stokes, Whitley and John Strachan (eds), Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus: a Collection of Old-Irish Glosses, Scholia, Prose, and Verse, 3 vols (Cambridge, 1901–1910). Vattasso, Marco and Pius Franchi de' Cavalieri, Codices Vaticani Latini. Tomus I. Codices 1–678 (Rome, 1902). archive.org
Version history
Current version:
- 0.6.1 (beta), 12 February 2025. 7 new additions: MSS 294–300. Minor corrections.
Previous versions:
- 0.6 (beta), 29 January 2025. New "Miscellaneous" category for minor Irish associations. Minor corrections and additions.
- 0.5 (beta), 29 November 2023. Improvements to maps, network graphs, linked data.
- 0.4 (beta), 18 July 2023. Network diagrams. References for Alexander, McGurk, Trismegistos. New data for dimensions and folio counts (supplied by Lily Forrest). Developments to text, people, places indexes.
- 0.3 (beta), 1 March 2023. Export manuscript list as CSV. Permanent references for multiple units. Minor corrections.
- 0.2 (beta), 20 July 2022. Added data tables for texts, people, places (in development). New charts for page sizes, number of folios. Several minor interface improvements. Several minor corrections/improvements to data.
- 0.1 (beta): May 2021. Initial version. Manuscript list, date chart, libraries map, basic search.
View source code and data at: https://github.com/padraicmoran/MIrA
Sincere thanks to the following for additions, corrections and suggestions:
- Jacopo Bisagni
- Lily Forrest
- Truc Ha Nguyen
- Zdzisław Koczarski
- David Stifter
- Immo Warntjes
- Brega Webb