The data may be viewed on a variety of maps (selected by clicking on the icon at the top right). The only historical map currently available is the Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire. I hope to add other historical maps if they become available.
Places are grouped by modern rather than historical regions, partly because of the fluidity of historical boundaries and partly because modern regions are often used for manuscript localisations by Lowe and Bischoff. Regions are indicated on the map by larger, lighter circles.
City | Library | Shelfmark/section | Contents | Script | Dating | Origin | Categories | Images | |
Basel | Universitätsbibliothek | F III 15d | Marius Victorinus; Consentius; Isidore Iunior | Irish minuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Cambridge | Corpus Christi College, Parker Library | 279 | Canon law (Liber ex lege Moysi) | IX² | Tours | ||||
Cambridge | St John's College | C.9 (olim 59) (Southampton Psalter) | Psalms | Irish minuscule | late 10th or early 11th cent. | Ireland | |||
Colmar | Bibliothèque municipale | 217 (444) (flyleaf) | Sacramentarium Celticum (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII² | Ireland | |||
Cologne | Historisches Archiv | GB Kasten B 148 + 148a | Caesarius Arelatensis, Homiliae (94, 102, fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VII–VIII | Ireland (or Bobbio?) | |||
Dublin | National Museum of Ireland | S.A. 1914: 2 (Springmount Bog Tablets) | Old Testament (Vetus Latina, Psalms 30–32) | Early Irish minuscule | VII | Ireland | |||
Dublin | National Museum of Ireland | n/a (Fadden More Psalter) | Old Testament (Psalms) | Irish minuscule | c. 800 | Ireland | |||
Dublin | Royal Irish Academy | 12 R 33 (Cathach of St Columba) | Old Testament (Psalms 30.10–105.13) | Early Irish majuscule | VII¹ | Ireland | |||
Dublin | Royal Irish Academy | 24 Q 23 (Domnach Airgid) | Gospels (Mt, Mc, Lc, Io fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland | |||
Dublin | Royal Irish Academy | D II 3 (ff 1–11) | Gospels (Io, excerpta) | Irish minuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland | |||
Dublin | Royal Irish Academy | D II 3 (ff 12–67) (Stowe Missal) | Sacramentarium Celticum | Irish majuscule | VIII–IX (ca. 792) | Ireland (Lorrha? Tallaght?) | |||
Dublin | Trinity College | 52 (Book of Armagh) | Muirchú, Vita Sancti Patricii; Dicta Patricii; Tírechán, Collectanea de Vita S Patricii; Patricius, Confessio; Gospels (Vetus Latina passim, Mt, Mc, Lc, Io); Sulpicius Severus, Vita S Martini, Dialogi de S Martino, Epistulae | Irish minuscule | IX in (ca. 807) | Ireland (Armagh) | |||
Dublin | Trinity College | 56 (A.IV.6) (Garland of Howth/Codex Usserianus Secundus) | Gospels (Vetus latina, Mt, Mc, Lc, Io) | Irish majuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland | |||
Dublin | Trinity College | 59 (A.IV.23) (Book of Dimma) | Gospels (Mt, Mc, Lc, Io) | Irish cursive | VIII² | Ireland (Roscrea) | |||
Dublin | Trinity College | 60 (A.I.15) (Book of Mulling) | Gospels (Vetus Latina, Mt 26.42–27.35, Mc 1.1–4.8, 5.18–6.35) | Irish minuscule | VIII² | Ireland | |||
Dublin | Trinity College | 60 (A.I.15) (ff 95–98) | Gospels (Mt. 26.42–28.35, Mc 1.1–4.8, 5.18–6.35) | Irish minuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland | |||
Durham | Cathedral Library | A.II.17 (ff 2-102) (Durham Gospels) + 1 other unit | Gospels (Mt 25.35–fin., Mc, Lc 1–8, 12–22, Io 1–29) | Insular majuscule | VIII | Northumbria (Irish tradition) or Ireland | |||
Düsseldorf | Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek | K1: B.212 + 2 other units | Lathcen, Ecloga Gregorii Magni Moralium in Iob (17); Philippus Presbyter, Expositio in Iob | Irish minuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Fulda | Landesbibliothek | Bonifatianus 3 (Cadmug Gospels) | Gospels (Vulgata, Mt 1.1–9.27, 11.25–28.20, Mc 1.1–10.1, 12.1–37, 14.1–16.20, Lc, Io 1.1–18.15, 19.27–21.25) | Irish minuscule | VIII | Fulda (or Ireland?) | |||
Ghent | Universiteitsbibliotheek | 254 (Catal. 445) (fol. 172) | Old Testament (Vulgata, Iob 33.24–34.22) | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Cambridge, Mass. | Harvard University, Houghton Library | Typ. 620 (Rosenthal fragment) | Gospels (Vetus Latina, Lc 16.27–17.26) | Irish majuscule | VIII² | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 132 (f. 18) [palimpsest old] | Sacramentarium Celticum (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 132 (ff 86, 91, 92, 97–99, 101–104, 106, 107) [palimpsest old] | Old Testament, Prophets (Vetus Latina, Dn, fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 167 (ff 15/18) [palimpsest old] | (illegible) | Minuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 167 (ff 16/17) [palimpsest old] | (illegible) | Majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 167 (ff 24, 25, 27?, 29, 33?, 35, 36) [palimpsest old] | (Apparently biblical or liturgical) | Majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 167 (fol. 34) [palimpsest old] | Sacramentarium Celticum (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 167 (fol. 38, 40–47, 49) [palimpsest old] | (Grammatical) | Minuscule | IX | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 167 [palimpsest new] (Karlsruhe Bede) | Computistica; Bede, De natura rerum, De temporum ratione | Irish minuscule | IX 1/2 | NE France (Soissons?)? Ireland? | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 195 (ff 3, 5–8) [palimpsest old] | Sacramentarium Gelasianum (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII¹ | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 195 (ff 32, 34, 39, 40, 42) [palimpsest old] | Antiphonarium (fragm.) | Irish minuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 195 (ff 33, 41) [palimpsest old] | Sacramentarium (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 195 (fol. 19) [palimpsest old] | Antiphonarium (Liturgia Sabbati Sancti (?)) | Irish majuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 195 (fol. 35) [palimpsest old] | Fragmentum Liturgicum (Sacramentarium (?)) | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Fragm. Aug. 18 [palimpsest old] | Sacramentarium (Antiphonarium) | Compressed Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Fragm. Aug. 19 | Orationes | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland or Irish centre | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Fragm. Aug. 20 | Consuetudines Monasticae (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland (Tallaght) | |||
Kassel | Landesbibliothek | Theol. fol. 22 | Jerome, Commentarii in Prophetas Minores | Irish minuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Kues | Hospitalbibliothek | 171 (formerly binding) | Juvencus, Evangeliorum Libri Quattuor (2.289–344, 562–616) | Insular majuscule | VII ex | Ireland (poss. Northumbria) | |||
Laon | Bibliothèque municipale | 26 (ff 1–27) | Cassiodorus, Expositio psalmorum | Irish minuscule | IX 1/2 | Ireland? Irish colony in NE France? | |||
Laon | Bibliothèque municipale | 55 [incl. frag.] | Bede, Commentarius in Parabolas Salomonis + (frag.) Augustine, De quantitate animae | IX 2/3 | Ireland (?); circle of Eriugena | ||||
Leiden | Universiteitsbibliotheek | BPL 67D (ff 13–14) [palimpsest old] | Lectionarium Officii | Irish majuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland or Irish centre | |||
Leiden | Universiteitsbibliotheek | BPL 2391 a | Boethius, De institutione arithmetica (frag.) | Irish minuscule | IX 2/4 | Ireland? Continent? | |||
Leuven | University Library | 1094 | Pentateuch; Lectionarium (Vulgata, Gn 4.20–6, 6.9–21) | Irish majuscule | VIII¹ | Ireland | |||
London | British Library | Add. 40618 | Gospels (Mt, Lc, Mc, Io, imperf.) | Irish minuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland | |||
London | British Library | Sloane MS 1044 (fol. 3) | Gregory the Great, Dialogi (3.31–32) | Insular majuscule | VIII² | Ireland | |||
London | Private Collection J. Paul Getty Jr. | na | Rufinus, Historia Ecclesiastica (1.1–3, 10) | Irish Half-Uncial | VII | Ireland | |||
London | Lambeth Palace Library | 1370 (MacDurnan’s Gospels) | Gospels | IX² | Ireland (Armagh?) | ||||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | *D 23 sup. | Isidore, Liber Differentiarum (38.146–40.167) | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland? | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | A 138 sup. | Priscian (frag.) | Irish minuscule | IX | Bobbio? Ireland? | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | C 5 inf. (Bangor Antiphonary) | Antiphonarium (Vetus Latina) | Irish minuscule | VII ex | Bangor (Ireland) | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | C 301 inf. (Milan glosses) | Theodorus Mopsuestenus, Commentarii in Psalmos | Irish minuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland (Bangor? Leinster?) | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | F 60 sup. (ff 1–46, 58–77) | Excerpta ex Patribus | Irish minuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | L 22 sup. (ff 146, 147) + 2 other units | Computus; Calculus | Irish minuscule | VIII–IX vel IX¹ | Ireland | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | M 67 sup. (flyleaves) | Augustine, Tractatus in Epistulam 1 Iohannis 4, 5–7 | Irish minuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 14429 (ff 1–62, 64–71, 73–82) [palimpsest old] | Sacramentarium Gallicanum (imperf.) | Irish majuscule | VII–VIII | Ireland | |||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 29300/2 | Sacramentarium Celticum: Officium Mortuorum | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Nancy | Bibliothèque municipale | 317 (356) | Grammatici Latini; Virgilius Maro; computus fragment | Irish minuscule | IX 1/4 | Bobbio (Ireland?) | |||
Oxford | Bodleian Library | Auctarium D.II.19 [S.C. 3946] (Mac Regol/Rushworth Gospels) | Gospels (Lc, Mc, Mt, Io) | Irish majuscule | VIII–IX (ante 822) | Birr, Ireland | |||
Oxford | Bodleian Library | Auctarium F.III.15 [S.C. 3511] (ff 54–65) | Liturgica (Antiphonarium Celticum) | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Oxford | Bodleian Library | Rawlinson G 167 [S.C. 14890] (Rawlinson Gospels) | Gospels (Lc 1–24.47, Io 1.14–6.54, 7.1, 21.16) | Insular majuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland | |||
Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France | Lat. 9488 (f. 5) | Sacramentarium (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII ex | Ireland or Irish traditions | |||
Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France | Lat. 9488 (ff 3–4) | Sacramentarium (fragm.) | Insular majuscule | VIII | Ireland or N England | |||
Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France | Lat. 9488 (ff 75–76) | Antiphonarium (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII² | Ireland | |||
Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France | Lat. 10399 (ff 35–36) + Lat. 9528 (fol. 201) | Computistica (Dionysius Exiguus, Tabula Paschalis; Anatolius, Canon Paschalis); Augustine, De Genesi ad Literam (2.14); Gaudentius, Tractatus I in Exodum | Mixed Anglo-Saxon majuscule and minuscule | VIII | England? Ireland? Echternach? | |||
Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France | Lat. 10400 (ff 109–110) + 1 other unit | Eutyches, De Verbo (fragm.) | Irish minuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland | |||
Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France | Lat. 11411 (fol. 123) | Consentius, Excerpta ex Arte (fragm.) | Insular majuscule and Insular minuscule | VIII² | Ireland | |||
Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France | Lat. 11884 (ff 7–19) | Gregory the Great, Homiliae | IX | Ireland? | ||||
Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France | Lat. 12292 [flyleaves] | Anonymous, Commentarii in Matthaeum (fragm.) | Irish minuscule | VIII–IX | prob. Ireland | |||
Saint-Omer | Bibliothèque municipale | 342 bis (fol. B) | Glossae super Amos | Insular majuscule and Insular minuscule | VII–VIII | Ireland or Wales | |||
Schaffhausen | Stadtbibliothek | Min. 25 a | Fragmentum Argumenti Incerti | Insular majuscule | VII ex | Ireland | |||
Schaffhausen | Stadtbibliothek | Min. 45 (ff 44, 45, 48, 49) [palimpsest] | Fragmenta Textus Incerti | Insular minuscule | VIII | prob. Ireland | |||
St Gall | Stiftsbibliothek | 51 [palimpsest new] | Gospels (Vetus Latina, Mc, Mt, Lc, Io partim) | Irish majuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland | |||
St Gall | Stiftsbibliothek | 60 | Gospels (Vetus Latina, Io partim.) | Irish majuscule and Irish minuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland | |||
St Gall | Stiftsbibliothek | 904 | Priscian | 851 | Ireland | ||||
St Gall | Stiftsbibliothek | 1394 (pp 95–98) | Sacramentarium Celticum (fragm.) | Irish majuscule and Irish minuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland | |||
St Gall | Stiftsbibliothek | 1394 (pp 101–104) | Gospels (Vulgata, Lc 1.12–32, 2.43–3.9) | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
St Gall | Stiftsbibliothek | 1395 (pp 418–419, 422–423, 426–427) | Litania (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII² | Ireland | |||
St Gall | Stiftsbibliothek | 1395 (pp 430–433) | Missa pro Defunctis (fragm.) | Irish minuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
St Gall | Stiftsbibliothek | 1395 (pp 436–437) | Augustine, De Musica (5.5) | Irish minuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland | |||
St Gall | Stiftsbibliothek | 1395 (pp 444–447) | Sacramentarium Celticum (Visitatio Infirmorum, fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Trier | Stadtbibliothek | 137 (ff 48–61) [palimpsest old] | Collectio Canonum Hibernensis (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII² | Ireland or Irish centre | |||
Turin | Biblioteca Nazionale | F.IV.1, fasc. 7 | Pseudo-Jerome, Commentarii in Marcum (1.1–6, 14.52–15.21) | Irish minuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland | |||
Turin | Biblioteca Nazionale | F.IV.1, fasc. 9 | Antiphonarium Celticum | Insular majuscule | VIII in | Ireland | |||
Turin | Biblioteca Nazionale | F.IV.14 (binding) [palimpsest old] + F.IV.16 (binding) [palimpsest old] + F.VI.2 Fasc. 8 [palimpsest old] + G.V.2 (ff 139, 167–170) [palimpsest old] + O.IV.20 [palimpsest old] | Gospels (Mt, Mc, Lc, Io) (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Turin | Biblioteca Nazionale | F.IV.24 (fol. 93) [palimpsest old] | Catholic Epistles (1 Pt, 2 Pt 1–13) | Irish minuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Vatican City | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Lat. 13501/XXIV (ff 44–45) | Fragment on month names | Irish minuscule | IX | NE France (Soissons?)? Ireland? | |||
Vatican City | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Pal. Lat. 68 | Glossa in Psalmos (39–151) | Anglo-Saxon minuscule | VIII | England? (poss. Ireland?) | |||
Vatican City | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Pal. Lat. 235 (ff 4–29) | Paulinus Nolanus, Carmina | Insular minuscule | VIII ex | Ireland or Northumbria | |||
Vienna | Österreichische Nationalbibliothek | Lat. 15298 | Bede, De Temporum Ratione (7–22) | Irish minuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland | |||
Warminster | Library of the Marquess of Bath [Longleat House] | NMR 10589 (flyleaves) | Isidore, Etymologiae (6.16.6–17.9, 7.1.29–38) | Irish minuscule | VII–VIII | Ireland | |||
Würzburg | Universitätsbibliothek | + + M.p.j.f.7 + M.p.j.f.5 + [binding] | Grammatica (fragm.) | Irish minuscule | VIII ex | Ireland? | |||
Würzburg | Universitätsbibliothek | (Würzburg Glosses) | Pauline Epistles (Vulgata, Rm, 1 Cor, 2 Cor, Gal, Eph, Phil, Col, 1 Th, 2 Th, 1 Tim, 2 Tim, Tit, Phlm, Hbr) | Irish minuscule | VIII ex | Ireland | |||
Würzburg | Universitätsbibliothek | (ff 21, 24) [palimpsest old] | Sacramentarium Gallicanum (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Würzburg | Universitätsbibliothek | [palimpsest new] | Gospels (Vulgata, Mt) | Irish majuscule | VIII² | Ireland | |||
Würzburg | Universitätsbibliothek | (flyleaf) | Bede, De Ratione Temporum (praefatio, capitula) | Irish majuscule verging on minuscule | VIII² | Ireland | |||
Zürich | Staatsarchiv | A.G. 19 No. 16 (fol. 32 = p. 77–78) | Lectionarium (fragm.) | Insular majuscule | VIII | prob. Ireland | |||
Zürich | Staatsarchiv | A.G. 19 No. 36 (fol. 57 = p. 117–118) | Sacramentarium Celticum (fragm.) | Irish minuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Zürich | Staatsarchiv | A.G.W 19 No. 12 (ff 24–5 = p. 61–4) | Minor Prophets, with commentary and gloss (Vulgata, Ez 2.6–3.6, 8–15, 16.4–21, 26–42) | Irish minuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland |
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