Region, including the following places:
The data may be viewed on a variety of maps (selected by clicking on the icon at the top right). The only historical map currently available is the Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire. I hope to add other historical maps if they become available.
Places are grouped by modern rather than historical regions, partly because of the fluidity of historical boundaries and partly because modern regions are often used for manuscript localisations by Lowe and Bischoff. Regions are indicated on the map by larger, lighter circles.
City | Library | Shelfmark/section | Contents | Script | Dating | Origin | Categories | Images | |
Augsburg | Bischöfliche Ordinariatsbibliothek | 1 | Isidore, Sententiae | Early Caroline minuscule | VIII ex or IX in | Augsburg area | |||
Basel | Universitätsbibliothek | F III 15d | Marius Victorinus; Consentius; Isidore Iunior | Irish minuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Basel | Universitätsbibliothek | F III 15l | Isidore, Differentiae; Gennadius, De Ecclesiasticis Dogmatibus | Anglo-Saxon minuscule | VIII | Anglo-Saxon centre, prob. on Continent | |||
Berlin | Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz | Lat. Qu. 690 (ff 65–188) | Augustine, Enchiridion | Caroline minuscule | IX 2/4 or IX med | Reichenau? Mainz (circle of Probus)? | |||
Berlin | Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz | Ms. Theol. Lat. Fol. 364 (Rose 791) | Passiones et Vitae Sanctorum | IX 3/4 | prob. N France | ||||
Bern | Burgerbibliothek | 234 (ff 1–53) | Cassiodorus, Institutiones; etc. | IX 2/3 | Fulda | ||||
Beuron | Bibliothek der Benediktiner-Erzabtei | Fragm. 41 | Abbreviatio Moralium Gregorii Magni | Caroline minuscule | IX 3/3 | prob. Reichenau | |||
Fulda | Landesbibliothek | Bonifatianus 3 (Cadmug Gospels) | Gospels (Vulgata, Mt 1.1–9.27, 11.25–28.20, Mc 1.1–10.1, 12.1–37, 14.1–16.20, Lc, Io 1.1–18.15, 19.27–21.25) | Irish minuscule | VIII | Fulda (or Ireland?) | |||
Cambridge, Mass. | Harvard University, Houghton Library | Typ. 613 (20688) (ff 1–8) + 4 other units | Isidore, Etymologiae (1, 11, fragm.), Interrogationes et Responsiones (fragm.); Arnobius Iunior, Opus Incertum(?), Expositio in Evangelia, Computus; Caesarius Arelatensis, Homiliae (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII–IX | Irish centre | |||
Jena | Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek | 1 | Charisius, Ars Grammatica (excerpta) | Irish minuscule | VIII ex | Uncertain | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 18 | Canon law, incl. Collectio Canonum Hibernensis | IX 1/4 | Reichenau | ||||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 132 (f. 18) [palimpsest old] | Sacramentarium Celticum (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 132 (ff 86, 91, 92, 97–99, 101–104, 106, 107) [palimpsest old] | Old Testament, Prophets (Vetus Latina, Dn, fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 132 [palimpsest new] (Karlsruhe Priscian) | Priscian | Irish minuscule | IX 2/4 | Soissons/NE France | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 135 (ff 1–105) | Bede, Super Actus apostolorum expositio; Glossae in partem Veteris Testamenti | Caroline minuscule | IX 2/3 | prob. Reichenau | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 141 (ff 1–26) | Explanatio brevis in epistulas Pauli (Rm, Phil, Col, I Th) | Caroline minuscule | IX 3/3 | SW Germany (prob. Reichenau) | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 167 (ff 15/18) [palimpsest old] | (illegible) | Minuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 167 (ff 16/17) [palimpsest old] | (illegible) | Majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 167 (ff 24, 25, 27?, 29, 33?, 35, 36) [palimpsest old] | (Apparently biblical or liturgical) | Majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 167 (fol. 34) [palimpsest old] | Sacramentarium Celticum (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 167 [palimpsest new] (Karlsruhe Bede) | Computistica; Bede, De natura rerum, De temporum ratione | Irish minuscule | IX 1/2 | NE France (Soissons?)? Ireland? | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 195 (ff 3, 5–8) [palimpsest old] | Sacramentarium Gelasianum (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII¹ | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 195 (ff 32, 34, 39, 40, 42) [palimpsest old] | Antiphonarium (fragm.) | Irish minuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 195 (ff 33, 41) [palimpsest old] | Sacramentarium (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 195 (fol. 19) [palimpsest old] | Antiphonarium (Liturgia Sabbati Sancti (?)) | Irish majuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 195 (fol. 35) [palimpsest old] | Fragmentum Liturgicum (Sacramentarium (?)) | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 195 [palimpsest new] | Augustine, Soliloquia | Irish minuscule (& Half-Uncial) | IX 1/2 | NE France (Soissons?)? Ireland? | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Aug. perg. 233 (ff 1–40) | Commentary on Catholic Epistles | Minuscule, some Alemannic character | IX 1/3 | Reichenau | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Fragm. Aug. 18 [palimpsest old] | Sacramentarium (Antiphonarium) | Compressed Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Fragm. Aug. 19 | Orationes | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland or Irish centre | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Fragm. Aug. 20 | Consuetudines Monasticae (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland (Tallaght) | |||
Karlsruhe | Badische Landesbibliothek | Fragm. Aug. 107 | Figurae ad Chronologiam Spectantes, etc. | Insular (Irish?) minuscule | VIII ex | Poss. Insular centre on Continent | |||
Kassel | Landesbibliothek | 4° theol. 170 + 4° Mus 77/2–6, 8–10, 12–14 | Anonymi Scotti Commentarius in evangelium Marci | Minuscule | IX 2/4 | S Germany? | |||
Kassel | Landesbibliothek | Theol. fol. 22 | Jerome, Commentarii in Prophetas Minores | Irish minuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Laon | Bibliothèque municipale | 447 | Isidore, Etymologiae | IX 2/4 | Mainz | ||||
Leiden | Universiteitsbibliotheek | Voss. Lat. F. 30 (Codex Oblongus) | Lucretius | Caroline minuscule | IX 1–2/4 | NW Germany? | |||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 6235 | Anonymi Scoti Commentarius in epistulas Pauli; Pseudo-Jerome, In IV evangelia | IX 3/4 | N Italy (Bobbio?) | ||||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 6302 | Pseudo-Isidore, De Ordine Creaturarum; etc. | Early Caroline minuscule | VIII ex | Freising | |||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 6398 | Priscian, Institutiones grammaticae | IX med | Freising | ||||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 6415 (ff 1–45) | Donatus Ortigraphus | IX 2/4 | N. Italy (Bobbio? Monza?) | ||||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 6434 (ff 1–40) | Arnobius Iunior, Interpretatio Evangeliorum (incompl.); Jerome, Epistulae (Ad Nepotianum, Ad Paulinum) | Early Caroline minuscule | VIII ex | Freising | |||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 6434 (ff 41–422) | Collectio Canonum Hibernensis (fragm.); Audax. | Early Caroline minuscule | VIII ex | Freising | |||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 14166 (ff 72–201) | Isidore, Quaestiones in Vetus Testamentum | Pre-Caroline minuscule | VIII ex | Regensburg | |||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 14248 | Augustine in Psalmum CXVIII; Hymni; Preces; etc. | IX 1/4 | Regensburg | ||||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 14387 (ff 14–19) | Bede, De orthographia | Frankish (Breton?) script | IX² | W Germany? | |||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 14420 (ff 1–20) | Bede, De arte metrica, etc. | Caroline minuscule | IX² | Germany? | |||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 14423 (ff 1–76) | Isidore (excerpts); Eucherius, Instructiones; etc. | Irish and Caroline minuscule | IX² | S Germany (Irish scribe) | |||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 14425 | Jerome, In Hieremiam prophetam | Early Caroline minuscule | VIII/IX | Regensburg | |||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 14429 (ff 1–62, 64–71, 73–82) [palimpsest old] | Sacramentarium Gallicanum (imperf.) | Irish majuscule | VII–VIII | Ireland | |||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 14429 [palimpsest new] | Liber Glossarum (ff 3r–221v), etc. | IX² | Reichenau or S Germany | ||||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 14456 (Munich Computus) | Computus, etc. | IX 2/4 | Regensburg | ||||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 14497 | Excerpts from Isidore, etc. | Caroline minuscule | c. 800 | S Germany | |||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 14666 (ff 1–54) | Consentius, Ars | Caroline minuscule and Irish miniscule | IX med | S Germany | |||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 14715 (ff 1–56) | Eclogae tractatorum in psalterium | Caroline minuscule | IX² | S Germany | |||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 14747 (ff 1–62) | Commentarius in VII epistulas canonicas; Glossae Latinae-Theotiscae | Caroline minuscule (untrained) | IX med or 3/4 | Germany | |||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 14846 | Erchanbertus, Commentarius in Donatum; Sortilegia Celtica | IX ex/X in | Lake Constance area? | ||||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 29300/2 | Sacramentarium Celticum: Officium Mortuorum | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Paris | Bibliothèque nationale de France | Lat. 2709 | Pseudo-Augustine, De quaestionibus Veteris et Novi Testamenti | Caroline minuscule | IX in | Augsburg area | |||
Schaffhausen | Stadtbibliothek | Gen. 1 (Schaffhausen Adomnán) | Adamnanus, Vita S Columbae | Irish minuscule | VII–VIII (ante 713) | Iona | |||
St Gall | Stiftsbibliothek | VadSlg Ms. 317 | Vita Findani | Caroline minuscule | IX/X or XI in | S Germany | |||
St Paul im Lavanttal | Archiv des Benediktinerstifts | Cod. 86b/1 (Reichenauer Schulheft) | Vitae Virgilii; Ambrose , Hexameron (extracts); Old Irish poems; scholia on the Aeneid; astronomical table; Greek paradigms; Greek–Latin glossaries; etc. | Irish minuscule | 840s | NE France (Laon? Soissons?) | |||
Trier | Stadtbibliothek | 137 (ff 48–61) [palimpsest old] | Collectio Canonum Hibernensis (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII² | Ireland or Irish centre | |||
Vatican City | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Pal. Lat. 68 | Glossa in Psalmos (39–151) | Anglo-Saxon minuscule | VIII | England? (poss. Ireland?) | |||
Würzburg | Universitätsbibliothek | + + M.p.j.f.7 + M.p.j.f.5 + [binding] | Grammatica (fragm.) | Irish minuscule | VIII ex | Ireland? | |||
Würzburg | Universitätsbibliothek | (Würzburg Glosses) | Pauline Epistles (Vulgata, Rm, 1 Cor, 2 Cor, Gal, Eph, Phil, Col, 1 Th, 2 Th, 1 Tim, 2 Tim, Tit, Phlm, Hbr) | Irish minuscule | VIII ex | Ireland | |||
Würzburg | Universitätsbibliothek | (ff 21, 24) [palimpsest old] | Sacramentarium Gallicanum (fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Zürich | Zentralbibliothek | Rh. 73 (ff 1–29) | Adamnán, De locis sanctis; etc. | Caroline minuscule | 842 | Reichenau |
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Pádraic Moran, Manuscripts with Irish Associations (MIrA),
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