Identifiers |
Country | UK |
Location | Hereford, Cathedral Library |
Shelfmark | O.III.2 |
MIrA number | 234 |
Description |
No. of folios | 205 |
Page height (mm) | 248 |
Page width (mm) | 193 |
Script | Caroline minuscule |
Contents | Jerome, De viris illustribus; Decretum Gelasianum; Gennadius, De viris illustribus; Isidore, De viris illustribus; Augustine Retractationes;
Cassiodorus, Institutiones (book 1); Isidore, Prohemia, extracts from De ecclesiasticis officiis, De ortu et obitu sanctorum patrum, Allegoriae |
History |
Dating | IX 3/4 (851–875) |
Origin | France? |
Provenance | Canterbury (c. 1100) |
Resources |
Catalogue entries/identifiers | - Bischoff, Katalog, no. 1523
Notes |
Bischoff: Irish exemplar? Mynors (ed.), Cassiodori Senatoris Institutiones (Oxford, 1937), pp XV–XVI: Irish abbreviations for autem and per sometimes taken over, sometimes wrongly interpreted.
Two embedded Irish glosses misunderstood: sitipio (sc. stibio): id est o dub dabrom (John Fraser: ó dub da bró); fenus: id est amthi (cf. Sg. 11b19 l: foenus: aithi).
References |
Bischoff, Bernhard, Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des neunten Jahrhunderts, 3 vols (Wiesbaden, 1998–2014).
The size of each data point is proportional to the number of manuscripts represented.