Places ‣ Salzburg

Latin: Iuvavum, Salina

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The data may be viewed on a variety of maps (selected by clicking on the icon at the top right). The only historical map currently available is the Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire. I hope to add other historical maps if they become available.

Places are grouped by modern rather than historical regions, partly because of the fluidity of historical boundaries and partly because modern regions are often used for manuscript localisations by Lowe and Bischoff. Regions are indicated on the map by larger, lighter circles.

12 manuscripts.    
City Library Shelfmark/section Contents Script Dating Origin Categories Images
MunichBayerische StaatsbibliothekClm 5447 (flyleaves)Computus HibernensisEarly Caroline minusculeVIII exSalzburgEx
MunichBayerische StaatsbibliothekClm 29270/1 [palimpsest new]
+ 1 other unit
Maximus Victorinus, De ratione metrorum; Metrorius, De finalibus syllabis VIII–IXSalzburgEx
MunichBayerische StaatsbibliothekClm 29280/5 + Clm 18119Commentum (Scoti cuiusdam?) in MatthaeumIX medSalzburgEx T Link to images availableEmbedded IIIF images available
ViennaÖsterreichische NationalbibliothekLat. 366Orosius, Historia Adversus PaganosCaroline minusculeVIII exSalzburgEx
ViennaÖsterreichische NationalbibliothekLat. 522Miscellanea; Versus Salisburgenses; Bede, De natura rerum; etc.Caroline minusculeIX med (time of Bishop Liuphram)SalzburgEx Link to images available
ViennaÖsterreichische NationalbibliothekLat. 921Lathcen, Ecloga ex Gregorii Magni Moralibus in IobCaroline minusculeIX med (time of Bishop Liuphram)SalzburgEx T
ViennaÖsterreichische NationalbibliothekLat. 940Commentary on Matthew (13r–142v); Jerome, Epistula ad Damasum papam; Gospel canons; Sedulius Scotus, Argumenta, etc.IX inSalzburg (or Saint-Amand)Ex* V Link to images available
ViennaÖsterreichische NationalbibliothekLat. 997Anonymi Scoti Commentarii in evangelia Lucae et Iohannis; Jerome, Interpretationes; etc.Caroline minusculeIX inSalzburgEx T Link to images available
ViennaÖsterreichische NationalbibliothekLat. 1003Excerptiones super Ezechielem; etc.Caroline minusculeIX med (time of Bishop Liuphram)SalzburgEx Link to images available
ViennaÖsterreichische NationalbibliothekLat. 2195 (ff 2–46)Poenitentiale "Discipulus Umbrensium", etc.Caroline minusculeVIII exSalzburgEx Link to images available
ViennaÖsterreichische NationalbibliothekLat. 2233Poenitentiale Vindobonense (Poen. Pseudo-Cummeani; Poen. Vinniani)Caroline minusculeVIII exSalzburgEx T Link to images available
ViennaÖsterreichische NationalbibliothekLat. 15269 + Lat. Ser. nov. 37Gregory of Tours, De Cursu Stellarum; Macrobius, Saturnalia (1); Solinus, Opus Incertum?Caroline minusculeVIII exSalzburgEx

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Manuscript libraries

The size of each data point is proportional to the number of manuscripts represented.

Manuscript dates (approx.)

5006007008009000123455 MSS3 MSS4 MSS

Page sizes

Data available for 8 manuscripts (66% of this list).
Height range: 170–330 mm (average 252 mm). Width range: 110–230 mm (average 157 mm).
Heights charted below (with red line for average). Click on a bar to view manuscript.


Folio count

Data available for 7 manuscripts (58% of this list). Range of folio numbers: 3–250 (average 131).
Charted below (with red line for average). Click on a bar to view manuscript.


Network graph

Black lines indicate origin, blue arrows provenance. Double-click a node to see full details.

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Pádraic Moran, Manuscripts with Irish Associations (MIrA), version 0.5 dev (2023) <> [accessed 22 October 2024]