Latin: Bobbium
Part of region: Italy
The data may be viewed on a variety of maps (selected by clicking on the icon at the top right). The only historical map currently available is the Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire. I hope to add other historical maps if they become available.
Places are grouped by modern rather than historical regions, partly because of the fluidity of historical boundaries and partly because modern regions are often used for manuscript localisations by Lowe and Bischoff. Regions are indicated on the map by larger, lighter circles.
City | Library | Shelfmark/section | Contents | Script | Dating | Origin | Categories | Images | |
Cologne | Historisches Archiv | GB Kasten B 148 + 148a | Caesarius Arelatensis, Homiliae (94, 102, fragm.) | Irish majuscule | VII–VIII | Ireland (or Bobbio?) | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | A 138 sup. | Priscian (frag.) | Irish minuscule | IX | Bobbio? Ireland? | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | C 26 sup. | Basilius Caesariensis, Regula (imperf.) | Irish majuscule verging on minuscule | VII ex | prob. Bobbio | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | C 73 inf. [palimpsest new] | Eugippius, Excerpta ex Operibus Augustini | Uncial | VIII | Bobbio | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | C 243 inf. | Glossarium alphabeticum magnum | Caroline minuscule | IX 3/3 | Bobbio | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | C 301 inf. (Milan glosses) | Theodorus Mopsuestenus, Commentarii in Psalmos | Irish minuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland (Bangor? Leinster?) | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | D 10 sup. (front flyleaves) | Gospels (Vulgata, Mt 17.4–9, 19.4–12) | Irish majuscule | VIII | prob. Bobbio | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | D 23 sup. (Bobbio Orosius) | Orosius, Chronicon (imperf.) | Irish majuscule | VII | Bobbio | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | D 268 inf. | Ambrose , De Spiritu Sancto | Cursive minuscule | VIII | Bobbio | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | D 547 inf. | Augustine, Enarrationes in Psalmos | IX 3/4 | Bobbio | ||||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | F 60 sup. (ff 1–46, 58–77) | Excerpta ex Patribus | Irish minuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | F 60 sup. (ff 47–49, 55–57, 58) [palimpsest new] | Excerpta ex Patribus | Irish minuscule | VIII ex | Bobbio | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | F 60 sup. (ff 50, 52–54) | Ambrose , Expositio in Evangelium Iohannis | Irish minuscule | VIII ex | Bobbio | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | F 60 sup. (fol. 51) | Glossarium (fragm.) | Irish minuscule | VIII ex | Bobbio | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | G 82 sup. (Studemunt) [palimpsest new] | Old Testament (Vulgata, 1 Sm 13.14–4 Rg 23.25) | Half-Uncial | VI² | Origin uncertain | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | G 82 sup. (pp 209–210, 375–376, 385–386, 449–452, 461–462, 471–474) [palimpsest new] | Old Testament (Vulgata, 1–2 Sm, 3–4 Rg) | Uncial, Half-Uncial, Irish majuscule | VII² | Bobbio | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | I 61 sup. [palimpsest new] | Gospels (Vulgata, Mt, Mc, Lc, Io, Act) | Irish majuscule | VII² | prob. Bobbio | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | L 22 sup. (Ars Ambrosiana) | Ars Ambrosiana | IX 3/4 | Bobbio or N Italy | ||||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | L 22 sup. (ff 146, 147) + 2 other units | Computus; Calculus | Irish minuscule | VIII–IX vel IX¹ | Ireland | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | L 99 sup. [palimpsest new] | Isidore, Etymologiae (1–10) | North Italian Pre-Caroline minuscule | VIII² | Bobbio | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | O 212 sup. | Gennadius, De Ecclesiastis Dogmatibus; Fides Bachiarii; Fides ‘Quicumque Vult’; Fides ‘Hieronymi’ | Irish majuscule verging on minuscule | VII ex | Bobbio | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | S.P. II 97 (ff A, B) [palimpsest new] + 1 other unit | Jerome, Epistulae | Irish and cursive minuscule | VIII | Bobbio | |||
Milan | Biblioteca Ambrosiana | S 45 sup. [palimpsest new] | Jerome, Commentarii in Isaiam | Half-Uncial verging on minuscule | VII (ante 622) | Bobbio | |||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 6235 | Anonymi Scoti Commentarius in epistulas Pauli; Pseudo-Jerome, In IV evangelia | IX 3/4 | N Italy (Bobbio?) | ||||
Munich | Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Clm 6415 (ff 1–45) | Donatus Ortigraphus | IX 2/4 | N. Italy (Bobbio? Monza?) | ||||
Nancy | Bibliothèque municipale | 317 (356) | Grammatici Latini; Virgilius Maro; computus fragment | Irish minuscule | IX 1/4 | Bobbio (Ireland?) | |||
Naples | Biblioteca Nazionale | IV.A.8 (ff 1–39) [palimpsest new] | Charisius, Ars Grammatica; Servus, De Centum Metris | Irish minuscule | VIII | Bobbio | |||
Naples | Biblioteca Nazionale | Lat. 2 (biff 57 & 70; 58 & 69; 59 & 68; 61 & 66) [palimpsest new] | Grammatica et Patristica Varia | Irish minuscule | VIII | Bobbio | |||
Naples | Biblioteca Nazionale | Lat. 2 (ff 76–111, 140–156, 159) | Probus, De Catholicis, De Prosodia ad Marcellum; Charisius, Ars Grammatica; Excerpta | Quarter-Uncial | V | Italy; additions in Bobbio | |||
Naples | Biblioteca Nazionale | Lat. 2 (ff 112–139) + 2 other units | Claudius Sacerdos, Artes Grammaticae; Probus, De Catholicis | Quarter-Unial | V | Italy; additions in Bobbio | |||
Naples | Biblioteca Nazionale | Lat. 2 (ff 157–158) | Excerpta ex Macrobio | Irish minuscule | VIII | Bobbio | |||
Naples | Biblioteca Nazionale | Lat. 2 [palimpsest new] | Jerome et Gennadius, De Viris Illustribus; Augustine, Epistulae | Irish minuscule | VIII | Bobbio | |||
Palermo | Archivio di Stato | Codice Basile | Iordanes, Getica (preface, 1.1–45.236) | Irish minuscule | VIII² | Bobbio | |||
St Gall | Stiftsbibliothek | 1346 | Columbanus, Instructiones, Epistulae | Modern hand | c. 1611 | St Gall | |||
St Gall | Stiftsbibliothek | 1399 a 1 | Isidore, Etymologiae (11.1.43–46, 51–53) | Irish cursive minuscule | VII | Irish centre (poss. Bobbio) | |||
Turin | Biblioteca Nazionale | A.II.2 [lost] | Iulius Valerius, Historia Alexandri Magni; Rutilius Namatianus, De Reditu Suo (2) | Cursive minuscule | VIII in | N Italy (prob. Bobbio) | |||
Turin | Biblioteca Nazionale | A.II.2* (ff 3–112) [palimpsest new] [lost] | Augustine, Collatio cum Maximo, Contra Maximinum | Half-Uncial and Irish majuscule | VII | Bobbio | |||
Turin | Biblioteca Nazionale | A.II.2* (fol. 113) [lost] | Cyprianus, De Opere et Eleemosynis (4–5) | Cursive minuscule | VIII in | Bobbio | |||
Turin | Biblioteca Nazionale | F.IV.1, fasc. 5 + 6 | Theodorus Mopsuestenus, In Psalmos (fragm.) | Irish minuscule | VIII–IX | Bobbio | |||
Turin | Biblioteca Nazionale | F.IV.1, fasc. 7 | Pseudo-Jerome, Commentarii in Marcum (1.1–6, 14.52–15.21) | Irish minuscule | VIII–IX | Ireland | |||
Turin | Biblioteca Nazionale | F.IV.1, fasc. 9 | Antiphonarium Celticum | Insular majuscule | VIII in | Ireland | |||
Turin | Biblioteca Nazionale | F.IV.24 (fol. 93) [palimpsest old] | Catholic Epistles (1 Pt, 2 Pt 1–13) | Irish minuscule | VIII | Ireland | |||
Turin | Biblioteca Nazionale | F.VI.2, fasc. 4 | Liber questionum in evangeliis (frag.) | IX? | Bobbio | ||||
Turin | Biblioteca Nazionale | G.V.37 | Cyprianus, De Opere et Eleemosynis, De Sacramento Calicis | Uncial | V | ||||
Vatican City | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Lat. 5750 [palimpsest new] + 1 other unit | Acta Synodi I Chalcedonensis | Half-Uncial | VII | Bobbio | |||
Vatican City | Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana | Lat. 13501/XXIV (ff 44–45) | Fragment on month names | Irish minuscule | IX | NE France (Soissons?)? Ireland? |
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Data available for 8 manuscripts (17% of this list).
Height range: 170–340 mm (average 214 mm). Width range: 115–255 mm (average 160 mm).
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Data available for 11 manuscripts (23% of this list). Range of folio numbers: 1–308 (average 74).
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Pádraic Moran, Manuscripts with Irish Associations (MIrA),
version 0.5 dev (2023)
<> [accessed 22 January 2025]