People ‣ Sedulius Scottus

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Dictionary of Irish Biography
3 manuscripts.    
City Library Shelfmark/section Contents Script Dating Origin Categories Images
MunichBayerische StaatsbibliothekClm 14387 (ff 14–19)Bede, De orthographiaFrankish (Breton?) scriptIX²W Germany?S Link to images availableEmbedded IIIF images available
ParisBibliothèque de l’Arsenal8407Greek Psalms; Cantica, etc.Irish minusculeIX 3/4Irish centre on ContinentS Sb Link to images availableEmbedded IIIF images available
ViennaÖsterreichische NationalbibliothekLat. 940Commentary on Matthew (13r–142v); Jerome, Epistula ad Damasum papam; Gospel canons; Sedulius Scotus, Argumenta, etc.IX inSalzburg (or Saint-Amand)Ex* V Link to images available

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Manuscript libraries

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Manuscript dates (approx.)

5006007008009000123451 MSS1 MSS1 MSS

Page sizes

Data available for 2 manuscripts (66% of this list).
Height range: 220–275 mm (average 247 mm). Width range: 153–170 mm (average 161 mm).
Heights charted below (with red line for average). Click on a bar to view manuscript.


Folio count

Data available for 2 manuscripts (66% of this list). Range of folio numbers: 6–66 (average 36).
Charted below (with red line for average). Click on a bar to view manuscript.


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Black lines indicate origin, blue arrows provenance. Double-click a node to see full details.

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Pádraic Moran, Manuscripts with Irish Associations (MIrA), version 0.5 dev (2023) <> [accessed 22 October 2024]